Product Catalog
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Product Catalog:
Article Number | Article Description | Download |
4044-070 | Schere Mayo-Lexer 163 mm spitz | Drawing |
4055-070 | Schere Mayo-Stille 150.5 mm stumpf | Drawing |
4005-070 | Schere Mayo-Stille 17 cm | Drawing |
4012-070 | Schere Metzenbaum 14.5 cm spitz | Drawing |
4019-000 | Schere Metzenbaum 14.7 cm | Drawing |
4019-070 | Schere Metzenbaum 14.7 cm | Drawing |
4032-070 | Schere Metzenbaum 208 mm stumpf | Drawing |
4022-070 | Schere Metzenbaum 233 mm stumpf | Drawing |
4028-070 | Schere Metzenbaum 234.5 mm stumpf | Drawing |
4000-070 | Schere Metzenbaum Tonsillen 18 cm | Drawing |
0442-000 | Schere Rippen Bethune 37 cm | Drawing |
4023-070 | Schere Zahnfleisch 121 mm spitz | Drawing |
4027-070 | Schere Zahnfleisch 121 mm stumpf | Drawing |
3240-000 | Schlauchklemme 15.5 cm stark | Drawing |
0170-000 | Schlauchklemme 16 cm | Drawing |
3093-000 | Schlauchklemme 16 cm schwer | Drawing |
0334-000 | Schlauchklemme 16.5 cm stark | Drawing |
0202-000 | Schlauchklemme 18 cm | Drawing |
0216-000 | Schlauchklemme 19 cm 7 1/2",a" | Drawing |
3033-000 | Schlauchklemme 20 cm | Drawing |
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